FastEval Parkinsonism

ver. 0.1.2

Fast Evaluation for Parkinsonism

Parkinsonism is a medical condition characterized by tremors, slow movement (bradykinesia), stiffness, and difficulty with balance. Our tool offers a video-based solution for users self-assess the likelihood of Parkinsonism.

Our 3 main features:
(1) Provides a predicted-UPDRS score and numerial measurements.
(2) Compares the symptoms between the left and right sides.
(3) Monitors changes over time.
Please note that this tool is intended as a self-monitoring tool, not as a replacement for a professional clinical evaluation.

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We aim to help patients to monitor their health status and assist doctors in giving more objective evaluation to achieve the goals of personalized medicine. Here is a demo case.



You can find the documents here. Please follow the steps.
